In the Netherlands, declarants have to inform Customs about the quantities of stores and bunkers taken on board a ship.
Thanks to the TRIS Customs Management System the declaration can now be sent electronically from this Customs application.
The electronic message contains the various fields required by the Dutch Customs authorities. It has to be sent not later than two hours before the goods are actually loaded on board.
The incoming and outgoing communication concerning the resupply goes via the TRIS Customs Communication Tool and so does not bring any additional cost for the declarant.
Dutch declarants with a permit for electronic stores messaging can inform Customs electronically about deliveries of stores, by means of the Customs Manifest automation system. Since the entire process is automated it is also much faster.
In this “stores message” they can refer to the (re)export and transit declarations.
If the goods concerned fall under the customs (re)export regime, then a “confirmation of exit” message is generated once the outgoing vessel has left.
What about goods that fall under the customs transit regime? In this case, if the declaration has an NCTS “Authorised Consignee” permit then an accompanying document does not have to be sent. (NCTS = New Computerised Transit System).
Simplified procedure
In order to make use of the simplified procedure the permit-holder/ship’s supplier must meet a number of conditions:
- The stores must be recorded in the permit-holder’s bookkeeping before
- The permit-holder must send notification of the resupply operation to the Stores Notification Center (Centraal Meldpunt Proviand or CMP). This notification can take the form of an e-mail message with the Stores Notification Form (Meldingsformulier proviand) in attachment, or by fax if no email is available.
- Delivery on board the ship must be done by the permit-holder himself, who must also enter a signed receipt in his bookkeeping. This receipt must state at least the following:
- Name and address of the permit-holder;
- Permit number of the procedure (Vergunning domiciliëringsprocedure uitvoer met elektronische aanvullende aangifte voor benodigdheden voor luchtvaartuigen en zeeschepen);
- Name (and registration number) of the ship being resupplied;
- Type and quantity of stores.
- The permit-holder must make a supplementary declaration in the Single Declaration System (Aangiftesysteem, or AGS) on a monthly basis. In this declaration all the transactions in a particular type of goods must be summed up in a single line.
See also: (Dutch Revenue & Customs)
Note: In this article, explanations of the titles of official forms and departments are given by way of information only; they do not imply the existence of official English versions.